1: Clear out the junk: Get rid of thoughts that involve hurtful words given by someone else. Some people can be mean and hurtful. Remember this is the offending party’s issue NOT yours.
2: List why you believe the negativity you tell yourself ( ie: I am ugly, I am fat, nobody loves me etc). Once you have written it, laugh at it and rip it up and move onto #3.
3: Count your blessings. List what you are thankful for, and include things that are often taken for granted (ie clean water, shelter etc).
4: List your positive attributes and talents. Name at least 5..
5: Make a list of what you love to do, starting from childhood until now, and try to find time to do one of these at least once a week, even if its only for a few minutes.
6: List at least 3 things that you would love to have the courage to do.
7: Surround yourself with positive people (if you don’t know any…find some…volunteer at an organization that interests you to find like minded people)