As you know, counselling therapists and psychotherapists are the only mental health professionals that have to charge GST/HST on their services. Our association is part of a national campaign to encourage the federal government to remove this unfair tax.
The campaign was officially launched on September 20 with a press conference in the House of Commons Press Gallery you can watch here. We also published a press release on the issue this morning.
Please visit to learn about the campaign and to lend your support. On this website you will find an explanation of the issue, a parliamentary petition you can sign, and a letter you can send to your MP and to the Minister of Finance. The letter will require only 30 seconds of your time to complete.
Also consider putting the website address in your email signature.
There will be a great deal of social media presence around this campaign. If you have a social media account (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) please consider retweeting or liking messages you receive about this campaign. Please use the hashtag #taxfreetherapy in your posts. There are social media shareables on the website that you may wish to use.
Please help support this campaign. The more signatures the more opportunities for success to have this unfair tax removed.